Evangelia D. Chrysina, is Research Director in the Institute of Chemical Biology at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF). Since 2014, she is Docent (Assoc. Prof.) in Medical Science-Biomedicine at the Örebro University, Sweden. Since 2008, she is the Greek scientific point of contact for the ESFRI project INSTRUCT (www.instruct-eric.eu) and currently represents Greece through NHRF at the ESFRI Landmark INSTRUCT-ERIC Council. She is coordinator of the distributed National Research Infrastructure on Structural Biology (MIS 5002550), chair of NHRF’s Open Data Committee and member of Hellenic Open Science Initiative representing NHRF. Her work is in the field of Integrative Structural Biology with emphasis on Biomedicine and Biotechnological applications employing X-ray Crystallography. Her research interests involve Glycogen Metabolism, Structure-based Drug/Ligand Design, Industrial Biocatalysts and Structural Bioinformatics. She is a Chemical Engineer, NTUA graduate with a PhD in Biochemistry from the Univ. of Bath, UK, where she also worked as a Research officer before joining NHRF as Reintegrated Researcher from abroad (2001). After four years, she worked for a short period as a freelance scientific writer for the «Technology Marketplace» at INTRASOFT Intl. S.A. and then returned to NHRF as Researcher in 2006. She has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Training Grant by EC under FP4, Agriculture & Fisheries for her PhD (1997), Rod Quayle prize (2000), Paraskevi’s Gardiki-Kouidou prize by the HSBMB (2002) and short term fellowships by the Wellcome Trust (2001) & Royal Society, UK (2002-2003) for visiting LMB, University of Oxford and the Institute of Cancer Research in London-UK. She has (co)organised conferences/workshops on integrative structural biology, drug design and molecular modelling and she is (co)tutor of the course “Algorithms in Structural Bioinformatics” in the Data Science and Information Technologies Master’s Program at the University of Athens. Since 2005, she has (co)organised a number of outreach activities for NHRF in cooperation with British Council, SciCo and is currently encouraging younger scientists to ponder over this aspect of scientific research.