Dr. Yannis Avrithis is a researcher on computer vision and machine learning. Most recently, he has been a Principal Investigator at the Institute of Advanced Research on Artificial Intelligence (IARAI), Austria. Before that he was a Research Director in the Information Management Systems Institute (IMSI) of Athena Research Center, Greece. He has also worked at the LinkMedia team of Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique, France, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, where he lead the Image and Video Analysis (IVA) team. He holds the HDR qualification from University of Rennes 1, PhD and Diploma degrees from NTUA and MSc degree from Imperial College, University of London, UK. He has been involved in 16 European, 6 French and 10 Greek research projects, he has co-supervised 17 Ph.D. theses and 23 Diploma/Masters theses, and he has published 4 theses, 3 edited volumes, 31 articles in journals, 137 in conferences and workshops, 9 book chapters and 50 technical reports in the above fields. He has contributed to the organization of 27 conferences and workshops. He has served as associate editor in 2 scientific journals and as a reviewer in 16 journals and 18
conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ELLIS, ACM, EURASIP and the Technical Chamber of Greece. He has received an ICLR 2024 Outstanding Paper Honorable Mention.