Internet of Things

/Internet of Things
Internet of Things2020-02-04T13:35:40+00:00


Course content first covers the general Internet of Things (IoT) architecture, device structure and basic operating principles. The design of the study follows the structure of the devices (sensors / actuators, processing and network capability). On the sensor / actuator side, the relevant standards, intelligent sensor technology and interfaces are covered. Computing infrastructure on the node covers embedded computing and systems, co-processors, system software and operating systems. At the core of the network infrastructure are technologies focused on IoT such as ZigBee, Lora, UWB, general architectures and network topologies, routing protocols, and more. After studying node technology, in-network processing techniques and algorithms, such as data fusion and event detection, and their orchestration (distributed processing), are studied. In the same context, advanced edge and fog computing architectures are considered. Middleware technology as well as related removals (e.g, sensor databases, question and answer languages) are studied in relation to intranet processing and application support. The triplet of study (node, network, application) is completed by covering cloud computing issues for Big Data. Finally, horizontal issues such as ICT infrastructure security and the management of these large-scale infrastructures are studied. Finally, IoT application development environments are covered.

A related project with design and development requirements is implemented.

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